Since 2020, as with many businesses we kept our office open and running for meetings during the pandemic.
However since 2020, a change occurred, where 80% or more of our clients now opt for video based certifications instead of face to face. Primarily for the convenience of not having to leave home and come to us.
That's 4 out of every 5 clients, meaning the office was used less and less (sometimes a few hours a week for meetings).
As a result, Just Breve is now fully remote as of the 27th October 2023,
Just Breve will no longer have a permanent office space, but instead we will utilise a shared space in a local Regus building for any clients requiring face to face visits with us, where they have opted to come to us (instead of having a video call).
Where will the meetings be held?
- The shared space is in Stockley Park (UB11 1FW) inside a Regus building. This is used week days only. Where a client wants a face to face on a weekend, we will use a local coffee shop instead (5 mins from the above location) - the postcode is UB3 1LL.
What does this mean for the client?
- The client will not really see a major change. All preparation work, is still the same, via email/secure portal. So no change.
As most meetings tend to be quick (as all paperwork is pre-prepared and brought to the meeting for signature), again, not a major change. Meetings range from 10 to 15 mins to sign paperwork, answer questions and certify documents as required, to maybe 30 mins maximum.
Once finalised and the meeting over, the agent will then take all paperwork home with them and organise the courier/mailing of all items to the IRS for you. With tracking provided later in the day, to confirm dispatch. That's it, simple.
Is parking available at the meeting locations?
- Yes, we have ensured parking is available and at no cost to the client at both locations.
Why can't we use the registered office location?
- the registered office is the address of the owner. And the owner prefers not to have people coming to their home. The locations selected are convenient to get to (see below) by car and public transport.
How are we notified of the meeting place?
- all clients are notified of the directions/location and instructions for what to bring with them by email. Nothing has changed there. just the fact there is no permanent location anymore, but a drop in site.
I am coming on public transport, how do I get there?
- The Elizabeth line to Hayes and Harlington station and then a 10 to 15 min bus to Stockley Park (which stops outside the location) or you can also walk from the station and enter Stockley Park from the main road if preferred - around a 20 mins walk.
Or if preferred, there is also a local coffee shop next to Hayes and Harlington station that can also be used if preferred. Just check availability of the agent, who may be able to accommodate that option instead.
I am coming by car, what landmarks are you near?
- Stockley Park is 10 mins from London Heathrow on the M4 and M25 junction. Easy to navigate to as there are signs for Stockley Park as soon as you leave the motorway.
I'm opting for the video call, where do I send my paperwork and passport/ID documents now?
- All paperwork will go to the agent preparing the forms and / or tax returns. Full address and instructions will be provided by the agent. And this will be their home address, as the agent will be working from home. Any paperwork and / or ID documents are then safely returned by registered tracked mail by the agent. As above, you will receive a tracking confirmation by email once booked (after the video call).
Again, nothing here has changed here. Just Breve will ensure your documents are safely returned to you.
If you have further questions, please call or email and we will be happy to help.
Contact Just Breve for more information:
Just Breve - is a US tax accounting firm, assisting non US persons with their US tax filing requirements, including obtaining a refund of overpaid US tax. This includes applying for a new ITIN or renewing an existing ITIN. We are a certifying acceptance agent (CAA) and have a contract with the IRS to help with Form W-7 ITIN applications.
T: 0208 1444632
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