Jul 22, 2021Just Breve - Apply for an ITIN through an Acceptance AgentWhen completing Form W-7 for a new or renewal ITIN application, you will also be required to submit identity paperwork as well. To aid in...
Aug 7, 2020ITIN vs IRSN - what is the difference?What is the difference between an ITIN and an IRSN? Both are tax ID numbers issued by the IRS for tax processing of US 1040NRs. One is...
Apr 20, 20201040NR US Tax Return - claim US tax back in the UKreclaim overpaid US tax by filing a 1040NR US tax return
Mar 23, 2020IRS Certified Acceptance Agent EnglandJust Breve is an IRS Certified Acceptance Agent based in England, United Kingdom. What is an IRS Certified Acceptance Agent (CAA)? A CAA...
Mar 1, 2020CAA in UK for certifying UK passportJust Breve are a CAA in the UK for certifying UK passports What does being a CAA mean? We have a license with the IRS ITIN unit which...
Feb 18, 2020ITIN for Non Resident Spouse on 1040ITIN for Non Resident Spouse on 1040 - are you filing a married filing jointly 1040 tax return?
Feb 10, 2020ITIN for a US 1040 tax returnITIN for a US 1040 tax return - needing to file a US tax return but do not have an ITIN or SSN?