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News &Â Tips from an ITIN Acceptance Agent
Aug 7, 2020
ITIN vs IRSN - what is the difference?
What is the difference between an ITIN and an IRSN? Both are tax ID numbers issued by the IRS for tax processing of US 1040NRs. One is...
Apr 20, 2020
1040NR US Tax Return - claim US tax back in the UK
reclaim overpaid US tax by filing a 1040NR US tax return
Mar 23, 2020
Form 8288-B - FIRPTA and reduced withholding
Form 8288-B - FIRPTA and reduced withholding
Mar 1, 2020
CAA in UK for certifying UK passport
Just Breve are a CAA in the UK for certifying UK passports What does being a CAA mean? We have a license with the IRS ITIN unit which...
Jul 25, 2018
2018 - Why do I need to renew my ITIN?
ITINs with middle digits 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 81 or 82 will also expire at the end of the year. These affected taxpayers who expect to file a
Jan 29, 2018
Case Study: Non Resident Alien Consulting for a US company
Case Study: Non Resident Alien Consulting for a US company Just Breve assists many clients who have consulting contracts with US...
Jan 25, 2018
ITIN Instructions - Form W 7
ITIN Instructions - Form W 7 Read our ITIN Instructions and tips below to ensure your IRS application is approved. We are United Kingdom...
Dec 26, 2017
IRS rejection notice for ITIN – my ITIN application was rejected – what now?
IRS rejection notice for ITIN – my ITIN application was rejected – what now? We’ve assisted many people who have tried and failed to...
Jul 25, 2017
US withholding tax on gambling winnings
When a casino is not presented with a valid tax identification number from a foreign person, they are required to withhold 30% tax withholdi
Jun 12, 2017
Case Study: ITIN for US Inheritance
Just Breve receive many clients who require ITIN assistance for a US inheritance they have received as a Non Resident Alien of the USA. One
Dec 1, 2016
How To Obtain An ITIN Number
Obtaining an ITIN can be daunting when reading the 12 page Instructions for Form W7.
The process involves identifying why the ITIN is neede
Nov 14, 2016
ITIN Exceptions - Exception 5 - Reporting Obligations under TD 9363
Most ITIN applications require a U.S Federal Tax return attached as part of the W-7 ITIN application process. However there are limited ITIN
Nov 7, 2016
ITIN Exceptions - Exception 4 - Third-Party Withholding—Disposition by a Foreign Person of U.S. Real
Most ITIN applications require a U.S Federal Tax return attached as part of the W-7 ITIN application process. However there are limited ITIN
Nov 3, 2016
ITIN Exceptions - Exception 3 - Third-Party Reporting of Mortgage Interest
Most ITIN applications require a U.S Federal Tax return attached as part of the W-7 ITIN application process. However there are limited ITIN
Oct 31, 2016
ITIN Exceptions – Exception 2 - Wages, Salary, Compensation
Most ITIN applications require a U.S Federal Tax return attached as part of the W-7 ITIN application process. However there are limited ITIN
Oct 31, 2016
Can you get a job in the U.S. with an ITIN number?
Can you get a job in the U.S. with an ITIN number? In short, NO you cannot get a job in the U.S. with....
Oct 27, 2016
ITIN Exceptions - Exception 1 -Â Third-Party Withholding on Passive Income
Most ITIN applications require a U.S Federal Tax return attached as part of the W-7 ITIN application process. However there are limited ITIN
Oct 26, 2016
Obtaining an ITIN for Gambling Winnings
Obtaining an ITIN for Gambling Winnings Gambling winnings are considered to be taxable income in the United States, even if you are not a US
Oct 25, 2016
ITIN Renewal Process
ITIN Renewal Process - follow these steps. Due to recent changes in tax law, some individuals who have an Individual Taxpayer Identification
Oct 24, 2016
ITIN for Author of E-book
When doing business with a company in the U.S. you may find yourself having up to 30% of your income withheld by the U
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